Bach Bibliography
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Author : Smith, Mark M.
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Smith, Mark M.A Deceptive Edition of the Bach 'Cello Suites. Bach 9 1 Jan 1978 26-29
2. Smith, Mark M.Anna Magdalena Bach As Copyist Of Bach's Solos For Violin And Suites for Cello. Stringendo 31 2 2009 38-39
3. Smith, Mark M.Bach's cello suites related to events and changing circumstances in his life. [p]MSA_Perth Jul 1999
4. Smith, Mark M.Joh. Seb. Bachs Violoncello piccolo: Neue Aspekte -- offene Fragen. BachJb 84 1998 63-81
5. Smith, Mark M.S. Bach's fiauti d'echo: Recorders off-stage. FoMRHIQ 82 1996 41-42
6. Smith, Mark M.The drama of Bach's life in the Court of Cöthen, as reflected in his Cello Suites. Stringendo 22 1 2000 32-35
7. Smith, Mark MervynCertain aspects of Baroque music for violoncello as finally exemplified in the suites for unaccompanied violoncello by Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. 1983 187p
8. Smith, Mark MervynJohann Sebastian Bach's Violoncello piccolo: A Violoncello Small enough to be Held on the Arm. 1980 16p
9. Smith, Mark Mervyn (ed.)Leopold: Trauermusik für den Fürsten Leopold von Anhalt-Köthen ; Köthen, den 24. März 1729 ; BWV 244a / Johann Sebastian Bach. 2001 xiv, 123p
10. Smith, Mark MervynThe violoncello in art: an iconography of the early violoncello and a reconstruction of the violoncello-geometry of Jakob Stainer. 1989 20p
11. Smith, Mark MervynThe violoncello with special reference to Bach's 6 suites for violincello unaccompanied. diss. 1979-80

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita